" See anokangel.blogspot.com
24th of November 2024 I do not know, but it maybe because of the first text A1. in my Christmas angels text, about ventilating from a window bringing a fresh air for the moment, which in the winter brings into my mind snow angels, the high sound of insects in the room quite near the fresh air and the window, singing of snow, of such snowy weathers near the window outdoors. This autumn, earlier too but here in Espoo, there under my keyboard and a chrysanthem flower by the window seems to sing a harmony of tiny insects, they sing of the beauty of small flowers of moss somewhere outdoors in the summer maybe. It is very nice and beauyiful but so slight soubd that I seldom actually come to listen to it, but it somewhat nice to have in the room like curtains of nice colour and feel or some nature element.
26th of November 2024 About a week ago I sent a link to my blog post www.ChristmasAngels.info i.e. https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2023/10/christmas-angels.html about Christmas angels to Germany and got sone stomach ache from it afterwards. And some days later once again rose to my mind tvat Christmas angels were in some view the reason I hed been born a human, and now for the first time (was it after making the new blog anokangel.blogspot.com and havkng added to it the link www.EasyHealing.info to my blog curingguesses.blogspot.com ), that my writing task connected with angels was done. But on the other hand in the air in my younger years was a much bigger demand for writing about the rationality of feelings, and of other subjects helping in saving the world.
This came to my mind when I a moment ago saw this picture.
I guess that angels as a subject is thought to maybe better suit late November than December. Nice Christmas angels though might be an exception.
Here is another kind of view of angels: a song "Enkelit lentää sun uniin", "Angels will fly to your sleeping dreams" (and make you beautiful) by Mikko Kuustonen https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=u9RqcfJLAJA&pp=ygUNRW5rZWxpdCB1bmlpbg%3D%3D
Declan Galbraight : An angel https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Tv9tR-ba6z8&pp=ygUWYW5nZWwgZGVjbGFuIGdhbGJyYWl0aA%3D%3D
A Finnish Christmas song Enkeli taivaan lausui näin, An angel from heaven said like this https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VNWeendm4OE&pp=ygUTZW5rZWxpIHRhaXZhYW4gZW5nbA%3D%3D
"An angel from heaven said like this
Why did you get amazed and scared
I am declaring a great joy
To the peoples of the Earth is now coming
Our lord Christ to us
has today to here been born
and this is a mark for you that
in the cradle lies the child
Now honour to God
since he gave his only son
Because of that the angels too
sing a thank to him."
From bats came to my mind that maybe Transsylvania has vampyrs because they wish for angels, and that is maybe the best widely available version of angels. These pictures of bats brought to my mind my text www.ChristmasAngels.info i.e. https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2023/10/christmas-angels.html
A traditional Finnish Christmas song Maa on niin kaunis, "The country is so beautiful" https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vPFEJUtlfLQ&pp=ygUXTWFhIG9uIG5paW4ga2F1bmlzIGVuZ2w%3D I would add here tge link ASorcerer.BlogSpot.com
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